Hands On Horticulture
Transform . Cultivate . Maintain
About Hands On Horticulture
High end year round maintenance - your garden will be kept looking good year round with tasks undertaken to improve and maintain your beds and borders.
Specialist pruning - including trained, restricted, formative, renovation and rejuvenation. We love pruning and will care for all your shrubs and trees.
Kitchen gardening set up and maintenance - vegetable and seasonal cut flower beds. Having been full time kitchen gardeners, we have a real enthusiasm for sowing and planting of seasonal vegetables for the family.
Bespoke planting plan - we will enable you to have the garden you desire. Talking you through the possibilities with plans to help visualise the end result.
Sourcing and supplying of trees and plants - We have great relationships with local nurseries who can supply all our planting needs.
Soil and compost management - at the heart of the matter and vital for all gardens, we will advise and organise composting and feeding your soil.
Meet Warren
Warren has worked within the conservation and horticultural sectors across the South East with a degree in Environmental Science BSc and is RHS level 2 qualified with many years of experience - both with the gardening and environmental industries.
Working both independently and when needed in a team, Warren has worked in a range of horticultural settings from the upkeep of private estates, working alonside Garden Designers to trade-nursery management and maintenance of private and public gardens.